Sunday, April 27, 2008

Soy and Banana Fiber Yarn

I can't tell you how excited I was to get my new natural fiber yarn from the other week. So excited in fact that I was worshiping the yarn and feared using it, cause what if I made something not worthy of it's perfection! It is that soft, smooth and awesome. I got two yarn fibers I have never crocheted with before - Soy and Banana Fiber ( also called Banana Silk), see the picture above. I started this week with the caramel colored soy yarn which is a dream to work with- it's soft and smooth, it doesn't get caught on the hook like many acrylic and wool yarns do, and each stitch slips right into place. I imagine that if we could crochet with butter, that this is what it would be like. The soy yarn is worth every penny, and since buying it online I have learned that my local Asheville yarn store called PURLS now carries a huge selection of natural fiber & organic yarns. Yippeeee!
I will keep you posted on the Banana Fiber yarn which I will be trying out next- not sure how it knits up yet but the feel and look of it is phenomenal.


  1. Is there anything you cannot do? Multi-talented is an understatement!

  2. That's awesome!! I wonder how the cost compares :)

  3. I can't wait to have time to crochet again...I will have to get some of that pretty!

  4. The cost of the yarn is more expensive then acrylic yarn from walmart, but i find that there is alot there for the price. I paid about $20 for both yarns together- and right now I am making a pair of silky crocheted panties out of the soy. I am almost finished the undies and have only used less than half the skeen.
