Friday, April 4, 2008

Sexual Health With Scarleteen

#1 thing to know about sex ed, is it's never too late to have sex ed... especially if you missed out on all the answers to your burning questions back in high school. Yeah, I figured it out along the way but when I stumbled upon Scarleteen I was like where were you when I was at St Mary's Dominican High School !?!?! By College I was so confused from all the 'Catholic Sex Ed' I would go to Books A Million repeatedly just to read all the sexual health books they had. I would sit down right in the aisle and read one book after another hoping to find answers to all my good ole' teenage questions... you know the ones Seventeen & Cosmo didn't cover!(ick)
Scarleteen however is the real deal. So go to Scarleteen to get your sex healthy, or have healthy sex, or sexy health, and always healthy sexuality ;)


  1. So where does this fit in my abstinence only regime?! Don't you know it's a sin to educate people, possibly preventing STD's and unwanted pregnancies? Not only that but you are suggesting people become comfortable with their bodies instead of ashamed! How could you??

  2. Seriously though, it's a good site. I visited and was impressed by the information they provided.
