Saturday, March 29, 2008

These Vintage Boots Are Made For Walken'

I could lust after eco made shoes all day, but no matter how much I drool over them it doesn't make my bank account any bigger. When I saw blog about getting your re-wear shoes on, by buying from, it got me thinking. Buying previously loved shoes is super ecologically kind because no new materials are made - although we all want something new every once and a while too and that is what Terra Plana, El Natrualista, and Autonomie Project are all for. But when you want that funky one of a kind vintage pair, buying used can save the planet and big bucks. I bought the boots pictured above on, where there is a huge mind boggling amount of gorgeous hand selected vintage shoes. I got these babies for less then $20...truly. Vintage prices can range from $15-$150, but I have to say the average price is only about $30-$45. So, now i can drool and buy. Yay !

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit that I get new balance and nike's for myself. I was born with severe birth defects in my feet and have tried many different options to find they are the only ones with enough support. This is one of the only items I will purchase fresh out of the sweat shop. Sorry fair trade lovers around the world, it's that or excrutiating pain! Phew. Got that off my chest.
    Maybe some shoe and boot makers can start making some eco friendly/fair trade shoes with the support us people with disabilities need! Get on the ball!
