Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Overpackaging On Pregnancy Tests

Have you ever noticed the amount of overpackaging for some items ? Sometimes I am so used to the wasteful way most companies package things, I don't always notice right away. A perfect example is pregnancy tests. There is only one or two long skinny sticks which you must urinate on to answer your burning question, but they make the box really wide to advertise the 'great certainty' of their test. It's so huge that usually the stick is just tossed around in a vast sea of air, and I have to shake the directions out of the abyss. There should be a packaging law that each product has only a certain amount of space they can use, comparable to the size of the item inside. And that space should be a pretty tight radius.
BTW- Have any of you ladies seen the new digital preg tests ? I have wondered if they are even less eco friendly cause there is more technology inside them then the old school ones. Not to mention, you actually have to wait that full 3 minutes before any result pops up ... and that is a loooooooong 3 minutes.


  1. No ! lol - but I have been a great 'supporter' (or rather consumer) of pregnancy tests for many years - I mean, i was sent to catholic school for 12 years mary paranoia runs deep in my subconscience :)

  2. If you are pregnant by immaculate conception then you don't need a pregnancy test you need a manger and a good therapist....
