Saturday, February 23, 2008

DIY Eco Panties

This project is totally fun, totally eco, and I am still getting good mileage off my DIY Eco Panties! Now because I tend to give DIY instructions, the same way a Cajun lady from New Orleans gives a recipe (a little dis and a little dat, no don't get dat measure cup) ... I will add on a link to some 'real' instructions from One Hour Craft for their DIY Sexy Panties Post.

What you will need :
1. Siccors
2. Sewing machine, or alot of patience to hand sew with needle
3. Cute colored thread to match or contrast with your fabric
4. Left over fabric, old garment you want to cut from, or organic fabric - mine was left over fabric.
5. Lacey stretchy elastic - I cut mine off thrift store lingerie, that was otherwise not wearable.
6. some type of ribbon or fabric strips to make side ties -my aunt gave me an box of ribbons she no longer wanted.

My Secret Pattern :
1. I used an old pair of panties - you know you have some too, the kind that are gettin' saggy in the butt now, the ones you use for your period so they are mostly ruined, those panties you avoid and don't feel sexy in ... Cut the side seems open, and lay it flat to voila have a perfect pattern you know will fit you just right !
2. Now cut your fabric a little bigger then those pattern panties (unless you want them a quarter inch skimpier like I did) so that you can make a seam on the inside when sewing on the stretch lace.
3. Use the stitch on your sewing machine that has a little give, and sew the stretchy lace along all the edges on the outside of the panties.
4. Sew on dat ribbon to da left and to da right......
5. Try those babies on and do a dance of eco crafty joy !

And seriously, this is such a quickie eco craft with great reward !

So here's some more structured instructions (that include putting in the cotton liner which I had skipped) from the girls at One Hour Craft : !

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