Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Can I Afford Ethical Footwear ?

This is a subject which I have a love hate relationship with - mainly because I LOVE ethical shoes, but hate that the average person scarcely can afford them. I understand that making ethical goods takes more cost, but sometimes these shoes seem priced so out of range it makes me want to weep. I have contemplated a shoe limit - like I will buy ethical made shoes but I will only have 2 or 3 pairs and no other shoes ( a boot, a heel, and a flat pair ). And of course, I will have to save up money for this venture. Terra Plana shoes can run well into $300 plus a pair, but mainly averaging around $260 . Which is why, it seemed a relief to find El Naturalista, who's created a wide range of less expensive then Terra Plana eco footwear for men and women. Less expensive does not equal affordable, but certainly more within reach- with some pairs starting around $80, and up to $260 for more intricate boot designs. One easy way to shop for them in the USA, is through Biz Rate : http://www.bizrate.com/womensshoes/brand--el-naturalista/products__att259--658222-__keyword--el+naturalista+footwear.html . You can also view the entire ethical shoe collection at the El Naturlista website @ http://www.elnaturalista.com/index.php/en !


  1. Does second hand count as eco-friendly? I always look but don't always find, nice shoes at my local thrifts or on ebay!

  2. There is Green Toe, a division of Simple Shoes. I think their shoes are a little clunky and not fashiony enough for my taste, but they are sustainable and under $100. Moo Shoes on the other hand, makes really cute styles. Boots are $150 or less, and adorable flats and wedges are in the $85 to $95 range. I'd totally buy these, except I have the worse luck buying shoes I can't try on first.

  3. Second hand definately counts as eco friendly too ! In fact, second hand is the most eco friendly option, being that it entirely cuts out new production waste.
    And Thanks Alli for all the awesome eco shoe info ! I too am looking for something more fashiony - maybe i have little bit of a pretty shoe obsession too :)

  4. I am the biggest shoe Whore ever
    if anyone wants to see my closet let me know?
    I wish the leading shoe manufacturs would switch to Green techniques & materials
    Simple does make a good line!
    I saw some recently in surfer mag. that were made from recycled car tires.
    I've always wanted to make my own shoes.
    El Naturalista has those MOAI's those are neat.

    One sweet foot in front of the other,day by day, strive to be present

  5. These shoes are not for me
