Saturday, July 17, 2010

White Thistle!?!

Am I crazy or is there no such thing as white thistle? I have only ever seen the purple thistle flowers in my life and today when I was hiking, high up on top a ridge I wondered over to a patch of Queen Ann's Lace (wild carrot) mixed in with butterfly covered thistle. Thing is, what I thought at first was the white of the thistle when the purple flower finishes and turns white-n- fuzzy, so it's seeds can take flight.... suddenly transformed in front my eyes when I realized the actual flowers were WHITE!
Now.... see this pic below! That is the color thistle always is - (and that is what was growing all round the field....)
This white thistle was a loner. A rebel. Bugs were not even on it. It stood alone in it's rare majesty. I saw no other white thistle around.

I took three small seed heads with me in a baggie I had in my backpack - I would love to plant them and see if more white thistle will grow!
Tell me --- have any of ya'll ever seen white thistle (in any location, smokey mountains or otherwise?)


Michael said...

I've been subscribed to your blog for sometime now and I have to say I really enjoy reading your posts. You take some amazing pictures or things I've never seen before, just beautiful marvels of God's creation. You sure have a sweet place there all tucked in the woods. A nice retreat that you can call home. Well, keep up the good work. :-) have a nice day.

kirk said...

Cirsium hookerianum??? just a guess--Like you I have only seen the purple variety--I call it bull thistle. The usa plant data distribution map show that it is out west but I think thistles are everywhere--when you are covered with sharp spines you can live anywhere you wish:) I am headed out to pick huckleberries today--the hot weather has them ready.

Anonymous said...

This white thistle was a loner. A rebel. Bugs were not even on it. It stood alone in it's rare majesty. I saw no other white thistle around.
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